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Britt Carter & Company


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Business & Government Luncheon

January 17 | 11:30 am - 1:00 pm 

Join the Chamber's Board of Directors, civic and business leaders, and fellow community members for lunch at The Forester, some welcome networking, and a program that features the annual "State of the Towns" presentation by Lake Forest City Manager Jason Wicha and Lake Bluff Village Administrator Drew Irvin.

Admission includes a lunch and the general public is welcome to participate in the event. This event sold out last year! RSVP today and join us!

Join Chamber B4Work Networking

January 24 | 7:30 - 9 am 

Kick off the New Year with our wildly popular B4Work Networking -- join us in hosting guests from the DBR Chamber -- allowing our members the opportunity to mingle with NEW and OLD friends to build an even wider business network for those ever-important referrals.  As always, guests will also enjoy a delicious breakfast, a fun atmosphere and time to network your way into the new year.  Not a member, not a problem!  Spread the word and bring a friend. An RSVP is required – sorry, no walk-ins can be accommodated. REGISTER HERE.


Multi-Chamber Business After Hours

January 30 | 4:30 - 6:30 pm 

Join us in jumping into our new year of networking opportunities with a fun evening at AMERICAN PLACE CASINO where you can mingle and meet with both old and new friends from 13 other Lake County area business organizations!

Our generous friends at American Place will host us for the evening with passed appetizers, a cash bar and, of course, the opportunity for some wonderful networking. ATTENDANCE IS LIMITED.  REGISTER HERE.

Please note: If registration is closed contact the Chamber to be added to a waiting list at

2024 Square Think Local Pop-Up Logo QR FINAL-2

Give gifts that give back! This holiday season, the City of Lake Forest and the Lake Forest/Lake Bluff Chamber of Commerce are partnering to open the annual 'Think Local Pop-Up Shop' selling merchandise to benefit local nonprofit organizations.

The Pop-Up Shop will be open throughout the holiday season Thursdays-Saturdays from 11 am to 4 pm. Please click HERE for a participating list of nonprofits!

A special thank you to Market Square for their generosity and allowing us to use this location for this year's holiday pop-up shop!

Congratulations to 2024 Chamber Annual Holiday Button Contest Winner, Ellie!

Be sure to visit us in the Pop-Up Shop to pick up your button this holiday season!


Chamber Checks

Chamber Checks are a perfect give for all ages. They can be purchased at the Chamber office. Details HERE


Happiest of Holidays in Lake Forest & Lake Bluff!

Click here to receive our monthly community enewsletter with all the LF & LB events and business news that you need!

Join us in welcoming our newest members!

We are grateful for the support of the community and are happy to welcome these new members to the Chamber family in 2024...

(Know someone that might be interested in joining the Chamber? If so, click here to let us know and we will be happy to follow up -- and a $20 Chamber Check will come to you as our thank you when they come on board!)

Thank you to our partners & sponsors...


The Mission of the LF/LB Chamber is to connect and unite businesses, community members and both municipalities
through partnership and innovative strategies to ensure the current and future prosperity of
Lake Forest and Lake Bluff, the extraordinary place we work, play and call home.

Learn more about the Chamber...

Visit our office Mon-Fri 10am-2pm at 207 East Westminster, Lower Level, Lake Forest
The LF/LB Chamber follows all state and local COVID guidelines